Welcome to a tutorial on how to create a Slot Machine type game in Visual Basic. Steps of Creation: Step 1: First we need a form. I have mine set out as the following. Textbox5 = Current Money Textbox4 = Current Bid Textbox1 = Slot 1 Textbox2 = Slot 2 Textbox3 = Slot 3 Label4 = Status Button1 = Spin.
I am writing a slot machine game for my intro to programming class. I can make the game procure 5 random images from a file containing 6, arrange them on a blank canvas and compare the pictures to see if there are 3-in-a-row. It will tell you if you win or not and ask you to play again. I need to loop the game so that it runs again after the user selects 'y/n'. here is my code so far.
the media path is set to the directory on my machine with the images. here is a link to my google drive with the images. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B_ZDD1CZGQYlYjFQWEpjR0NzMGs&usp=sharing .If you are going to run this, you need to change the media path in my code to correspond with where you have the pictures.
I appreciate any and all help with this. Thanks!
I dont know any jython but the pseudo code should be
How to call Python script from a Java JAR file
Part1:(import .jar file as library in Eclipse) You make a new project to Eclipse(name:Project1) When you open it you see JRE System Library[java version something] 1.right click on JRE System Library 2.Go->Build Path->Configure Build Path 3.You can see (Up right Corner the button[add jars or add external jars] *Here...
Opening an image file using Sikuli/Jython without clicking
If it was a normal Python, you would use os.startfile(): Start a file with its associated application. import os filename = 'C:/Users/first.last/Desktop/image.JPG' os.startfile(filename) But, the problem is that the are things (C-based functionality) that exist in Python, but are missing in Jython. And os.startfile() is one of these things. subprocess.call()...
Give a function an operation in python (JES)
You can perform any operations with the parameter inside the function. def function(beta): print beta + 'aei' You can also modify the parameter inside the function: def function(beta): beta = beta + 'aei' print beta ...
JYTHON Calculating the number of pixels in a picture
There a a few issues with your code. Try this and see if it works. You can adjust the RGB values to count red and white pixels as well. count = 0 for p in getPixels(picture): r = getRed(p) b = getBlue(p) g = getGreen(p) if (r,g,b) (0,0,0): count...
Binary file to blob column population using Jython
It is easy: def insert_file_to_db(db_url, usr, passwd, file_name): db = DriverManager.getConnection(db_url, usr, passwd) blob = FileInputStream(file_name) pstm = db.prepareStatement('insert into my_blobs (content) values (?)') pstm.setBinaryStream(1, blob) rs = pstm.execute() blob.close() (tested with Informix JDBC driver)...
Wrapping a string in a File object in Jython
Slightly off topic as this is a working Jython sample based on the idea in http://stackoverflow.com/a/562207/1774484 which wraps a string as an InputSource rather than a File, but this can then be used with a DocumentBuilderFactory to produce an org.w3c.dom.Document as requested. import java from java.io import StringReader from javax.xml.parsers...
How to make sukili more “robust”
At the moment I an trying to learn sikuli how to recognize certain words. I am doing okey with it. But some words he is bad a regonizing. (Dark background, white words, cetrain boxes, etc.) I know the sikuli team is working on impoving that in the next version. At...
How to change read write execute permission of a log file using logging module in Jython
Found out the following solution: Use stat module on os.chmod to set permissions. The following code sets the permissions to RWX for User, Group and Others. The OR condition takes care of setting it for User, Group and Others individually. Code: LOG_FILENAME = str(propertyFile.getProperty('log_file_path')); logging.basicConfig(filename=LOG_FILENAME, level=logging.DEBUG); os.chmod(LOG_FILENAME, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG...
Accessing winreg from jython
_winreg is not available in Jython. In CPython on Windows, _winreg is a built-in module (mirroring the underlying Windows API) that is compiled into the Python interpreter. This can be verified by checking the sys.builtin_module_names property. See also Python alternative to _winreg....
Jython 2.7b4 will not webstart: ImportError: No module named site
Due to class loader differences in the Web Start environment, Jython can't find the files in the Lib directory inside the standalone jar file. To fix this, you need to rearrange the contents of the standalone jar a bit. The following script will convert a standalone jar into something workable...
How to obtain UTF-8 reader in PythonInterpreter (jython)?
Making Python Slot Machine Machines
I managed to find a solution to this problem - this was a configuration error. It works now, after changing the code to: import java.util.Properties; import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter; (...) Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.setProperty('python.path', pythonPath); PythonInterpreter.initialize(System.getProperties(), properties, new String[] { ' }); PythonInterpreter pythonInterpreter = new PythonInterpreter(); pythonInterpreter.exec('import codecs'); pythonInterpreter.exec('codecs.getreader('utf8')');...
Why fieldStorage is empty in Jython Servlet post request
cgi.FieldStorage expects its input from either the standard input of the process or its environment. This is how the web server and CGI request handler cooperate to serve HTTP requests. Servlets, however, use a different protocol for transferring the raw HTTP request from web server to request handler, and the...
python: how to connect to oracle database using jdbc
As mentioned in the question, the full path to the JAR file for the JDBC driver must be present in either the CLASSPATH or the JYTHONPATH environment variable so the Jython script can find it. These variables can be modified in several ways depending on the environment (shell) being used,...
jython convert text file to list of strings
I think you can import this data to SQL database and then it is very easy to sum, filter etc. But in Python we have dictionaries. You can read data and fill dictionary where key name is name of the state. Then for each line you add town to list...
How to make a part of the picture grayscale in JES?
There are a few things giving you trouble here: Indenting of your code after the y for loop (I'm guessing you want all of the height to traversed). The new colour is just the average of your current pixels, so you need to use addition to add them before dividing...
jython.exe “2.7.0 final release” failed execution on my Windows OS
JAVA_HOME must be set such that %JAVA_HOME%binjava.exe is the Java executable, and the target java.exe must be Java 7. See this Jython bug. It is important to note that some other possible settings for that environment variable do not work - we expect that binjava.exe can be joined to JAVA_HOME...
Jython inside IDE ok, outside IDE, “no os specific module found”?
Turned out that Jython2.5.1 interpreter was mixed with the zip-of-the-standard-modules of Jython2.5.3 I had the interpreter version and zip-of-standard-modules mixed-up before, but this time the interpreter had the minor version, which i didn't see comming....
How do I add a variable's value to a picture in JES/ Jython? [closed]
custom_text = 'foo bar' # addText(picture, xpos, ypos, text) # add text 'foo bar' to custom_picture, starting at (15, 50) addText(custom_picture, 15, 50, custom_text) # add text 'kung-foo bar' to custom_picture2, starting at (40, 20) addText(custom_picture2, 40, 20, 'kung-' + custom_text) new_custom_text = 'kung-' + custom_text # add text 'kung-foo...
How to make one list without a sublist from a string in Python
Just list(s) will return the list of characters in string s. >>> s = 'Hello world' >>> list(s) ['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd'] >>> ...
Jython/Python Name not found globally
You are passing in p but not declaring it before you do: computeSquareFeatures(p) You set p using input inside the function. You also need to make pan int inside the function or your area calculation won't do what your think, make sure you have imported math and the print.Now does...
Location of python source code in Jython/Java integration
The setupPath() method should be added into the JythonObjectFactory first. public static void setupPath(String[] paths) { PythonInterpreter interpreter = new PythonInterpreter(); interpreter.exec('import sys;'); for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { interpreter.exec(String.format('sys.path.append('%s')', paths[i])); } } Then, in the Main function, this function should be invoked. public class Main...
Does Jython have a 'startup file' like Python?
In Jython, you can import user to arrive at nearly the same result. The docs indicate the differences between this approach and the PYTHONSTARTUP approach.
Passing java object to python
One solution. You could use some sort of message system, queue, or broker of some sort to serialize/deserialize, or pass messages between python and java. Then create some sort workers/producer/consumers to put work on the queues to be processed in python, or java. To answer your question more immediately. Example...
Spring-integration scripting with Python
This is a bug in Spring Integration; I have opened a JIRA Issue. if (variables != null) { result = scriptEngine.eval(script, new SimpleBindings(variables)); } else { result = scriptEngine.eval(script); } When the first branch of the if test is taken, the result variable is added to the SimpleBindings object, and...
Error when calling Native Code using JNI from a Jython module
Try System.load([full path and filename of ctest]), which works independently from values of LD_LIBRARY_PATH or java.library.path. To ease user configuration I usually implement my own library-search-mechanism, i.e. make it look for libraries in the working directory and on the classpath too. I know ideologically this is somewhat wrong, but works...
Jython command terminating batch scripts
If the jython command is a batch script then the pause and any thing after this will not be executed. try call call jython test.py What is the outcome?...
How to execute if statement using Jython
Conditionals must be entered as a single string and you have an extra parenthesis: import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter; public class JythonTest { public static void main(String[] args) { PythonInterpreter interp = new PythonInterpreter(); interp.exec('if 2 > 1: print 'in if statement!'); } } ...
trap exceptions comprehensively in Jython
Jim Baker's answer is interesting... but what I wanted is sthg comprehensive which documents the maximum possible amount of stack trace info when an exception of any kind is raised. CPython not being multi-thread, its stack trace doesn't have to cope with Runnables. I'm not enough of a Jython/Python expert...
Importing flask module in jython jar
The simplest solution is to add the flask module to the root of myapp.jar. You can do this with the jar utility that comes with the JDK, or use the <jar> task in Ant. I am sure Maven has a way to do the same thing, but I don't know...
Android Monkeyrunner plugin for Wifi state
You can use AndroidViewClient instead (version 8.26.0 or higher), then you would be able to access basic wifi information. A basic script to check wifi state would be along these lines #! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from com.dtmilano.android.viewclient import ViewClient from com.dtmilano.android.adb.adbclient import WIFI_SERVICE, WifiManager device, serialno...
PythonInterpreter importing java classes
The reason why it was not working is because I placed javacode.java in a python package. According to the book Jython Essentials, doing this will mark the java file as a python module: Jython also allows access to Java classes and packages through the import statements. Jython is able to...
How do I create a function to scramble the words of a sentence?
You need to use random.shuffle(split) When you import from a module, that module's name becomes a namespace. In order to use any of its functions, you need to direct the Python interpreter that those functions reside in a certain namespace. Larger programs can have dozens (or more!) of import statements,...
Python/Jython parse e-mail
A regex possible solution, but consider @StefanNch suggestion: [description]:((?:.+n?)*) import re p = re.compile(ur'[description]:((?:.+n?)*)') test_str = u' [type]: mailn [category]: Valuesn [service]: testingn [description]: Testing out automapping of emailn Line break Testing out automapping of emailn Line break Testing out automapping of email' subst = u' result = re.sub(p, subst,...
How to use “jython-standalone-2.7-b3.jar” in windows 7?
'Unsupported major.minor version 51.0' means your version of Java is too old. Running java -jar jython-standalone-2.7-b3.jar was successfull with version 1.7 ... d:work>java -version java version '1.7.0_51' Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_51-b13) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.51-b03, mixed mode) ...
attempting to load .csv file into several different arrays but python gives me an 'out of memory' error
Python has a handy csv module that makes all of this easier for you. I'd suggest using the DictReader class, it automatically figures out the field names from the first row and then returns dictionaries. Don't create seven separate lists, that's just asking for trouble. import csv data = []...
Eclipse RCP and Jython
Looks like you're missing xerces library, try including them in your classpath
How to Edit files using web application
A simple solution to the concurrency issue you talk about is to save a datetime stamp each time the file is edited from anywhere. Now, if a user tries to save his changes to a file, check the datetime stamp and make sure that the current edit's datetime stamp is...
How to run test cases using robot framework jar file?
Using classpath command I was able to run the testcases. java -cp robotframework-2.8.6.jar org.robotframework.RobotFramework testcase ...
How do I fix UnsupportedCharsetException in Eclipse Kepler/Luna with Jython/PyDev?
I've fixed the problem by downgrading Jython from 2.7.0 to 2.5.4rc1. It seems to be an issue of Python 3.4 with Jython 2.7.0. So, I've downloaded the Jython 2.5.4rc1 - Standalone Jar, and changed the Jython interpreter manually on Eclipse Luna by going: Window -> Preferences -> PyDev -> Interpreters...
How to use for-loop in Jython PythonInterpreter?
You are passing in separate lines, how is Python supposed to parse those separately and validate that you have valid code? Use one string: python.exec('for p in sys.path:n' + ' print p'); The import sys line can still be passed in separately because the namespace into which the module is...
Pass a variable from Jython (wsadmin) to shell script
Thank you Matt. You put me on the right track. I was able to accomplish what I needed by adding ' | tail -1' to the command. You probably already know how a wsadmin SOAP connection always spits out the line: WASX7209I: Connected to process 'dmgr' on node labCellManager01 using...
Using NumPy with JyNI
This is kind of a duplicate of How to setup numpy in jython. For convenience I'll repeat my answer from there: JyNI does state NumPy-support as its main goal, but cannot do it yet, as long as it is still in alpha-state. However until it is mature enough you can...
Access a python file in a jython jar from Eclipse?
Drag this image in the entry bar in your browser. The PythonInterpreter executes test.py. ...
Import Issue while trying to load JavaFX class in Jython
If you move your from/import statement inside of your start method, immediately before you need the Label control, I bet your code will work. With Jython running on JavaFX8, there are certain things that you cannot do (such as import controls) until the JavaFX runtime has been started. (JavaFX2 was...
IJ.close() - Scripting python in ImageJ/FIJI
The IJ class does not have a close() method. You probably want to call the close() method of ImagePlus, which is the class for the image objects themselves. Try something like: IJ.open(i) imp = IJ.getImage() imp.getProcessor().setf(100, 100, 3.14159) # or whatever IJ.save(imp, '/path/to/myShinyModifiedImage.tif') imp.close() If you need to operate over...
Syntax error when trying to find the length of a list using 'len' function
You forgot the trailing colon needed in if statements! Just change the line while len(numList) > i to while len(numList) > i: see the difference? Just a trailing colon -- but it is a crucial bit of Python syntax! Incidentally, I'd vastly simplify the code to def mean(numList): return sum(numList)...
Saving a picture in Python
Monty Python Slot Machine App
Try this function: def savePict(pict, name): filehandle=getMediaPath(name) writePictureTo(pict,filehandle) EDIT : I guess last line of your suggestion should be: writePictureTo(pict,file) rather than writePictureTo(pict,filename). Otherwise the variable file wouldnt be used...
Boolean identity True vs is True
If you want to determine whether a value is exactly True (not just a true-like value), is there any reason to use if foo True rather than if foo is True? If you want to make sure that foo really is a boolean and of value True, use...
Mapping resources to an application already installed
Thank you very much Gas! The command is: AdminApp.edit(appName, ['-MapResRefToEJB', [[module, bean, URI, jndi, type]]]) ...
Java/Jython - how to relate unfound classes to specific jar files
Making Python Slot Machine Slot
www.findjar.com (or http://findjar.com as some would have it) ! later Not systematic, however: it does not appear to involve an automated system. You have to submit 'likely candidate' jars. I submitted the elasticsearch jar. But Lucene also appears to be missing. Have started reading about Maven. Sigh....